Mobile Forex Scalping Strategy for Newbies

If you are a newbie who is just getting into the world of trading, then one of the things that you need to learn all about this forex scalping. Now, for those of you who don’t know what scalping in forex trading is, no worries because we will explain this on great detail below.

We’re here to do today is teaching one of the best possible forex scalping trading strategies out there, a trading strategy that you can execute using nothing more than your mobile phone. to be specific, the foreign scalping trading strategy that we’re here to talk about today involves fibonacci retracements, and in case you don’t know what that is, no worries because will explain that in great detail below as well. The bottom line here is that we are here to teach you an awesome trading strategy that will help you make consistent profits on a daily basis, all without having to engage in too much risky behavior.

Let’s get right to it and teach you one of the best forex scalping trading strategies for your mobile phone out there at this time. Keep in mind that using this particular trading strategy, you can make well over $300 per day using nothing more than your mobile phone and a very simple method of trading.

Forex Scalping

What is Forex Scalping?

Before we can get to talking about the specific forex trading strategy that we want to teach you today, what you need to know is what work scalping actually is to begin with period now, for those of you who don’t know what this is, this is a very specific type of trading that is characterized by traders placing extremely short term trades in order to collect many small profits from the market on a daily basis.

In terms of forex scalping, traders usually open positions that are only open for a very short amount of time, usually no more than a few minutes, although these positions may only be open for a few seconds. The number one main goal of forex scalping is to generate a large number of very small profits that add up to substantial gains at the end of the day, with one of the other main goals being for traders to not have to engage in very much risk.

The other thing that you need to know here is that forex scalping is a specific type of day trading, otherwise known as intraday trading, which means that trades are never open for more than a full day, and in the case of this specific strategy, the trades are only open for a few minutes. At the end of the day, the main point here is to generate a whole lot of small profits on a daily basis.

forex scalping - fibonacci

Advantages & Disadvantages of Forex Scalping

Furthermore, before we get to the specific forex helping trading strategy that we are here to talk about today, what we want to do is to talk about all of the advantages and disadvantages that come with this type of trading strategy.

forex scalping



Andrew’s Mobile Friendly Forex Scalping Strategy with Fibonacci Retracement

Right off the bat, what you need to know here is that this particular forest scalping trading strategy uses Fibonacci retracement in order to find the best entries and exits for trades.

 For those of you who don’t know what this is, this is named after the Fibonacci sequence of numbers, was ratio provide you with price levels to which markets tend to retrace after a portion of a move, before that same trend continues in its original direction. Moreover, this is a type of indicator that is used in technical analysis and it helps you determine resistance and support levels.

Now, what we do want to say here is that this particular forex scalping trading strategy using feminazi retracements is not overly easy to explain using just our words alone, so we’re not going to attempt to do this in great detail, but rather we recommend that he watched included video that we have embedded below.

The fact of the matter is that Andrew himself does an absolutely fantastic job explaining this process in great detail, and moreover he trades live on video, which means that you get to see everything visually first hand. As you will see from this particular video, Andrew is able to make well over $300 per day, and usually much more, by doing nothing more than using this particular forex scalping trading strategy on his mobile phone.


The Best Forex Scalping Strategy for Your Mobile Phone – Final Thoughts

When all has been said and done, the bottom line here is that if you utilized this particular for itself in strategy with Fibonacci retracement the right way, then your chances of making consistent profits on a daily basis increased drastically, especially compared to if you were using other types of day trading strategies.

If you need help day trading, and what you need is a comprehensive education, particularly on Forex trading, then the best place to be is the Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy. At this time, the IMB Academy is the most comprehensive, user friendly, effective, and affordable Forex trading school out there.  


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